A road is 1 mile long and measures 36′ wide. You are going to grade the road with a road grader with a 12′ blade. Using the following information, how long will it take to grade the road? In 1st. gear the grader travels 2.5mph @ 83% efficiency, 2nd.gear 5mph @ 87% 3rd. gear 7.5mph @ 87% (See diagram for solution)

A road is 1 mile long and measures 36′ wide. You are going to grade the road with a road grader with a 12′ blade. Using the following information, how long will it take to grade the road? In 1st. gear the grader travels 2.5mph @ 83% efficiency, 2nd.gear 5mph @ 87% 3rd. gear 7.5mph @ 87% (See diagram for solution)